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Tech Girlie Gone Tarot.

Sarah is a groovy girl

who started her tarot business out of her studio in Manhattan, and continued to grow in Houston and Austin. She has recently made her way to Chicago.

Her mission combines the practical with the mystical, and brings energetic modalities and positive thought into mainstream consciousness.

What is TAROT?

Tarot is a centuries-old divination tool consisting of a deck of cards with rich symbolic imagery. Each card represents different aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and spirituality.

Tarot readings involve me interpreting the cards drawn and providing insights and guidance tailored to your questions or concerns. It's not about predicting the future with certainty but rather offering perspectives and potential outcomes based on the current circumstances. Tarot overall offers a positive and enriching experience that can lead to personal insights, empowerment, and a greater sense of connection to yourself and others.

What does the universe want you to know?
  • Tarot is the new black.

    Perfect for holiday parties, bachelorettes, weddings, corporate events, birthdays, showers, to name a few.

  • Zoom OR Pre-Recorded.

    I’ll send a quick questionnaire about what you’re looking for, and you’ll get a personalized reading just for you.

  • Have a series of events, customer appreciation, or want to promote your business? Find out more.


Want a taste of my style?

Follow me on TikTok @letsreadyou